cleavage plane

美 [ˈkliːvɪdʒ pleɪn]英 [ˈkliːvɪdʒ pleɪn]
  • 解理面;晶体的裂开面
cleavage planecleavage plane
  1. Ultrahigh piezoelectric response along some special cleavage plane in BaTiO_3 single-crystals


  2. Refers to the mineral composition of emerald crystal surface and cleavage plane of When the composition of the mineral particles thick jade , particularly evident .


  3. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the cleavage plane of the sample fabricated under the more ideal conditions shows that the preferentially aligned along the a-b plane .


  4. Mineral powders are good crystalline , and they break along the cleavage plane when they are comminuted , which cause the mineral powders have flat surfaces and sharp edge angles .


  5. While there are only a few chemical bonds on the talc cross section , the main interaction between PSE and surface of talc on the cleavage plane is hydrogen bond .


  6. According to the experiments , it can be concluded that the state of mineral cleavage plane , the bridging function of the group on the surface of Nocardia and the electrostatic force are important factors .


  7. In Polycrystalline Diamond Compact , the diamond crystal shows : unordered arrange , isotropy , and overcome the shortcomings as subsize , anisotropy , having cleavage plane of diamond monocrystal and so on .


  8. Apatite has the same surface active point Ca ~ ( 2 + ), as calcite . The density difference of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) on the cleavage plane between apatite and calcite leads to different floatability .


  9. Newly-formed syntectonic mineral assemblage along cleavage plane and clastic grain deformation characteristics indicates that the cleavages were formed at the low greenschist facies conditions in the middle-upper crustal level and were featured by ductile-brittle deformation .


  10. All samples fracture in a cleavage mode and the cleavage plane is found to be { 100 } .
